Cleanings & Periodontal Therapy

Dental Cleanings and Periodontal Therapy

Almost everyone understands the need for periodic dental cleanings in preventing cavities and gum disease. However, many individuals are unaware that there are two sorts of cleanings: the standard cleaning you have (or should have) every six months and a much deeper cleaning intended for people with mild to advanced gum disease. Even if you’ve never heard of a deep dental cleaning, you may have heard it referred to by its “alternative” moniker – root planing and scaling. That’s a little more specific, but it still doesn’t explain what a deep cleaning is or when and why it’s done. Here’s how to determine the difference between the two forms of cleaning and which one you’ll require.

Dental cleanings: What are they, and how are they performed?

The primary purpose of both routine and deep dental cleanings is to remove plaque and tartar deposits that can lead to gum disease and other oral health issues. Aside from that, the two treatments are vastly different.

Regular dental cleanings

This is the type of cleaning you will receive when you come to Kaviani Modern Dental for your six-month appointment. Your hygienist will use specific equipment to remove sticky plaque and hard tartar deposits from the surfaces of your teeth above your gums during a routine dental cleaning. These cleanings are critical for preventing gum disease and even treating mild cases of the illness (called gingivitis).

Routine cleanings are also a good time to ask your hygienist about areas of your mouth where your brushing and flossing routines could use some assistance, and your hygienist can also ensure you’re performing both tasks correctly so you’re removing as much plaque and tartar as possible during your home routine. Having your teeth cleaned every six months not only prevents gum disease, but it also helps keep bad breath at bay. Routine cleanings are typically combined with a routine checkup to allow the dentist to examine your teeth, do an oral cancer screening, and, if necessary, take X-rays.

Deep cleanings of the teeth

Deep dental cleanings, as the name suggests, clean your teeth thoroughly, utilizing unique procedures to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria below the gum line and all the way down to your tooth roots. The germs that cause gum disease prefer to lurk in hard tartar deposits on the gum-protected surfaces of your teeth. Toxins are released by bacteria when they reproduce and expand, irritating your gums.

Your gums begin to slip away from the surfaces of your teeth over time, forming microscopic pockets that allow bacteria to move all the way down to the roots. Infections in the lower portion of the tooth can weaken the roots, causing your teeth to come out. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in people in the United States.

Deep dental cleaning eliminates bacteria below the gum line and around the roots, preventing gum disease from progressing and resulting in tooth loss. In addition, your hygienist will polish (or plane) the surfaces of your tooth roots to make it more difficult for bacteria to “attach” to them in the future. To destroy hard-to-reach germs, an antibiotic gel is sometimes put to the teeth while cleaning; other times, oral antibiotics or a specific antibiotic mouth rinse may be prescribed. Deep dental cleaning employs local anesthetics to numb your gums because it goes below your gum line. If your gums are really sensitive or you’re anxious, sedation may be utilized to make you calm and comfortable.

Put an end to gum disease.

Both frequent and deep dental cleanings are helpful in preventing infection and tooth loss caused by gum disease. Don’t put it off any longer if it’s been a while since your last cleaning. Make an appointment today and let us take care of your pearly whites.